leaves soft & pleasantly perfumed skin.
vaporize on all the body.
Spritz your Eau De Toilette onto your pulse points (wrists, neck and behind the ears) after a shower or shave.
Scented mist leaves skin soft and pleasantly perfumed.
you can spray it on all parts of the body.
Size: 75 ml.
430,00 EGP Original price was: 430,00 EGP.380,00 EGPCurrent price is: 380,00 EGP.
magic tooth powder
140,00 EGP Original price was: 140,00 EGP.100,00 EGPCurrent price is: 100,00 EGP.
Sweet pink sugar scented body mist spray 2.54oz 75ml
260,00 EGP Original price was: 260,00 EGP.210,00 EGPCurrent price is: 210,00 EGP.
leaves soft & pleasantly perfumed skin.
vaporize on all the body.
Spritz your Eau De Toilette onto your pulse points (wrists, neck and behind the ears) after a shower or shave.
Scented mist leaves skin soft and pleasantly perfumed.
you can spray it on all parts of the body.
Size: 75 ml.
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Category: skincare
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Multi-Function Essence
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Provides Nourishment To Your Skin
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